Thursday, May 24, 2012

Army Bootcamp

My last blog I talked about Marine Bootcamp now it's time to talk about the Army. Both bootcamps are very hard to go through. There are a few differences in them though.

One of the differences are the marines go in first to fight; the Army goes in second. This does not mean that the Marines are better than the Army it's just their job to go in first. 

There are more girls in the Army because there are more jobs opened to women in the Army. That's why I plan to join the Army. I want to be an MP (military police). A military police is when you are a police in the military. Go figure!

Another thing that is different is the pay. I believe you get more pay but I could be wrong on that. 

The bootcamp is easier in the Army. Not like you don't get mentally and physically broke down because you do. It more like they are not jumping down your throat as bad. You still get cussed at and they still talk about your mama. Again I would advise you not to cry. 

I believe that either one of these military branches would be good for you to go in. 

I chose this picture because it shows some of Army bootcamp. A whole lot of physical training. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Marine Bootcamp

Marines bootcamp is the most physically challenging branch when it comes to the Armed Forces. There are only two places that makes Marines. They are in South Carolina and California. If you enlist west of the Mississippi you will go to San Diego, California. Those to the east will enlist in Parris Island, South Carolina. Altogether both bootcamps are the same besides some rural differences. 

Parris Island graduates 17,000 Marines per year. San Diego graduates more than 21,000. 

Although the Marines are "Jarheads" they still have to learn a lot of information. 12 weeks is a short time to remember all the Marines have to. There really is no down time in bootcamp. You're too busy reading books, PT (Physical Training, and working to turn yourself into a Marine. 

If you are underweight they will put you on a double portion meal. If you are overweight they will put you on a diet. They are not scared to hurt your feelings. 

While you are in bootcamp you will get screamed at a lot; that's a given. The drill Sargent will try to break you down anyway he can. It doesn't matter if they call you bad names or talk about you're mama they will. The drill Sargent is trying to get to your breaking point. He/she wants you to build yourself up from that. 

So if you ever do decide to enlist I wouldn't cry if I was you. That would probably be the worst thing you could do. I know this is not an interview but a lot of people was wanting to know more specific details about the Branches. I decided to break them down I will do the Army next. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Basic Training

So do you think you have what it takes to be in the military? Here's a fact "40% of those enlisted in them military do not make it past 4 years" Rod Powers. I believe a lot of this has to do with basic training or "bootcamp". 
People in the military believe it is just like every other civilian job and they can just fly by it well guess what they're wrong. If you join the military they can tell what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. If you don't follow what they said there is no getting fired you can be arrested. 
 If you are not ready for the situations at bootcamp and you're not ready to work your butt off then there's no point in joining any of the military branches. 
I believe the hardest military branch when it comes to bootcamp would have to be the Marines. Then it would be the Army, Navy, Airforce, and last the Coast Guards.
The Marines have to stay in top physical and mental condition because they are the first ones to go into war. They are the "roughnecks" when it comes to the military. If you want a brutal job done and done fast then send in the jarheads. They're the first to go in and the last to leave.That is why their bootcamp has to be so tough. They have more training in combat skills then any other area. 
I believe that the Army is just as good as the Marines the only difference is they aren't as brutal as the Marines and they are second to go in. Also the Army has more career fields open to women. Their bootcamp is both physically and mentally challenging. The Army is a really difficult military branch as well. 
The Navy would be last when it comes to the boot camp being rough I think. The Navy is the brains of the military so I believe that this is why their bootcamp is more mentally challenging  than the others. Don't get me wrong they still have to be in top physical condition but they are the ones who plan a mission out then send either the Marines or Army to carry them out. I guess the best way to describe it is they don't want to get their hands dirty. 
These are my thoughts on the branches when it comes to bootcamp toughness.    
I chose this picture because it shows some of the combat skills from the Marine bootcamp. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Flag Backwards

Has anyone ever pointed out to you that the American flag on a soldier’s uniform is backwards?  Well some people never know exactly why they do this so I will tell you why. 

When soldiers were coming back from war people started noticing that the flag insignia is backwards. There’s only one way to explain this is that they are running into the battle.   

Think about back when the civil war was; they always had a flag holder. Even when a flag holder was shot somebody would always pick up the flag and keep running. The holder was always running into the battle and so the flag was backwards.
A lot of people say this is brave because it means they are running into the battle and shows they are not scared.  

“The backwards appearing flag dates back to early military history when infantry and cavalry units would charge into battle with the flag waving in the breeze. By: Leigh Anthony

Also you have to wear a flag at all times whether you are in basic training or being shipped out. The American flag is a sign that we have freedom and the soldiers are trying to make sure this is the way it stays.
                    I'm completely glad that the soldiers do wear a flag on their uniforms and I will be glad when I get to wear it. 

I chose these pictures because it shows the flag backwards on a soldiers uniform.   

Monday, April 23, 2012

Military Glasses "BCG's"

Service members have told us they like the appearance of the new frame. We are confident this frame will increase the likelihood that military personnel will continue to utilize their eyeglasses beyond boot camp,”  Sgt. Brant Fechter
Have you ever heard of BCG's in the military? Most people could not even guess what "BCG" means. When enlisting into the armed forces recruits do not even think about military issued glasses. Well when they see these things they will understand why the military has decided to change them. 
"S9's" are the military glasses most commonly know as "BCG's". "BCG's" are most commonly known as "Birth Control Glasses" because they are so unattractive to people. You are issued these glasses at basic training. They are square, thick, and black glasses. If you were to see these glasses you would probably think of an uglier version of Steve Urkel's glasses. 
Here recently the military has decided to exchange the ugly S9's for 5A's. I believe that the recruits will like these because the 5A's are nicer looking than the "BCG's". 5A's are also more comfortable than the S9's and they will have a better approach on the recruits.
A lot of recruits have already decided to use the 5A's because they look better than the S9's. 5A's are a lighter/slimmer looking version of S9's which indicates they will be a big hit on the recruits.
This applies to me because I wear glasses and I'm really glad they are getting rid of S9's. I would hate being seen in them. I know I shouldn't be worried about what type of glasses I get but when you take the military pictures that will be up at your house just trust me it will make a difference. I won't have to worry about being picked on by my siblings or cousins for wearing the birth control glasses. 
I believe this will help a lot with people wanting to join just because they will look more stylish.
I chose these because it shows the "BCG's"